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straight answers to your niggling questions about acupuncture

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Most people have heard of acupuncture's positive results, but have reservations about the "fine points".  Let's clarify things


Does it hurt?

You will feel a slight prick when inserting the very fine needles.  You will also feel a sensation when the needle contacts the acupuncture point and engages the energy.  This sensation could be a slightly dull pressure, or a muscle twitch, or a tingling.  All are reasonably mild and provide vital feedback.


Are the needles safe?

Yes each needle is surgically sterile, used only once and safely disposed of into a sharps container unit.


Can I claim a health rebate?

Yes when you have private health cover of acupuncture then you will be able to claim the treatment cost.  The amount is determined by your insurer.  Andrew’s practice has a Hicaps portal so on the spot rebates for most insurers are available.


How many sessions do I need?

Every person and their health needs are individual.  By working with thousands of clients over the past 25 years we have found that a block of 4 sessions achieves most positive solutions, on most occasions.  This allows acupuncture to unblock restricted flows and improve most health issues effectively by alieviating the acute symptoms.  It’s usually a progression.   Other longstanding chronic conditions will need additional sessions.  Clients  will usually see and feel improvement in their condition, after each session.


How much time per session?

The initial consultation session is for one hour and includes reviewing your health history, assessing impacts and condition, diagnosis and treatment.  Follow-up sessions are 45 minutes in length and includes checking progress and treatment.


What is cupping?

Cupping is a technique that uses plastic or glass cups on areas of the body to stimulate flow.  By creating a vacuum suction the blood flow is increased particularly for muscles and joints that have stagnated, becoming stiff and sore.  Cupping encourages fresh blood flow and is non-invasive.


I’ve heard about “dry needling” recently?

This is a technique also known as myofacial needling which inserts acupuncture needles into tense muscles.  It is often practiced by newcomers to the industry who rely on a few weeks training in a short course, rather than years of study of the deeper discipline of traditional acupuncture.

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" If you have a question at any time, during, or before a treatment session, I want to answer it.  Communication is essential to healing"

Andrew Brady

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